Beyond Sit-ups and Salads

Whole-life health coaching for women over 40.

Let’s be honest:
You’re physically, emotionally, and energetically exhausted.

You’ve spent years, maybe decades, juggling your responsibilities and everyone else’s expectations.

You’ve held it together with determination, some creative swearing, and bouts of ugly crying.

But now, you’re in unchartered territory, getting slammed by a storm of BIG life changes like:

Illness, divorce, death of a partner, caring for parents in poor health, job insecurity, or financially supporting adult children.

Add in surprise ‘WTF?!’-type peri/menopause symptoms like panic attacks, insomnia, itchy ears, bouts of rage, jumbled words, aching joints, sudden weight gain, and hot flushes, to name a few.

It feels like your body is betraying you, and you’re barely hanging on.

Because underneath it all, there’s an inner rebellion building.

Something you’re afraid to talk about and can’t explain is brewing and getting harder to contain— a drive to burn down all the people-pleasing and reclaim your identity.

But you don’t even know who YOU are now.

I have great news, friend. You are not alone.

Your body is still your biggest ally, and you are not losing your mind. YAY!

Plus, I help women like you navigate and create adventure out of the chaos.

You are not alone!

Wellness is life in balance.

Good health is more than sit-ups and salads, and it’s more than taking a vacation.

It’s about creating balance between every foundational area of your life—mental, emotional, social, spiritual, and physical.

It’s about connecting to your creativity and your environment.

It’s about honestly and fearlessly answering,

What do I want just for ME?’

Picture a life where you wake up excited about the day instead of already dreading your to-do list.

Saying ‘Yes’ to what lights you up and ‘No’ to what drains you.

No longer beating yourself up with ‘have to’s’ and shoulds’ because you own your day with ‘I get to,’ and ‘I’m going to.’

Imagine moving your body just for fun, having loads of energy for those you love with plenty left for yourself, and enjoying your life and endeavors more than ever.

I Get It!

I’ve been where you are— trapped in my head and overwhelmed with self-judgment, despair, resentment, and shame. Trying to keep my head above water so I could take care of everyone else.

Feeling like I was standing in a crowd screaming, but no one could hear me.

I was always on edge and overthought everything. I felt like a fraud, broken and alone.

I had emotionally disconnected from everyone, including my partner and my kids, just going through the motions.

Finally, I hit burnout. My body was breaking down and turning on itself. I knew I couldn’t survive that way anymore.

I decided to dive deep into simplifying my life. I dumped what no longer fit and made space for what I craved— creativity, allyship with my body, and the freedom to be my feral and fabulous self.

Finally, instead of being ruled by fear and shame, I could look at all aspects of my life with curiosity and nonjudgment.

I became friends with my body, my relationships with my partner and kids grew deeper than ever, and my health returned.

Since then, I’ve partnered with dozens of determined women in the same boat. I’ve helped them release their own feral and fabulous selves and create a life they're excited about.

I can help you too.

Because I know that ‘past your prime,’ ‘nothing left to offer,’ and any of those other culturally conditioned judgments are bullsh*t.

You’re just getting started!

Let’s release your feral and fabulous self!

Be delighted by the person you see in the mirror.

“Loralee is engaging and great at seeing situations differently. She’s great at providing insight and encouragement without judgement.

Tiffany J