Let’s be honest:
You’re physically, emotionally, and energetically exhausted.
You’ve spent years, maybe decades, juggling your responsibilities and everyone else’s expectations.
You’ve held it together with determination, some creative swearing, and bouts of ugly crying.
But now, you’re in unchartered territory, getting slammed by a storm of BIG life changes like:
Illness, divorce, death of a partner, caring for parents in poor health, job insecurity, or financially supporting adult children.
Add in surprise ‘WTF?!’-type peri/menopause symptoms like panic attacks, insomnia, itchy ears, bouts of rage, jumbled words, aching joints, sudden weight gain, and hot flushes, to name a few.
It feels like your body is betraying you, and you’re barely hanging on.
Because underneath it all, there’s an inner rebellion building.
Something you’re afraid to talk about and can’t explain is brewing and getting harder to contain— a drive to burn down all the people-pleasing and reclaim your identity.
But you don’t even know who YOU are now.
I have great news, friend. You are not alone.
Your body is still your biggest ally, and you are not losing your mind. YAY!
Plus, I help women like you navigate and create adventure out of the chaos.
You are not alone!